To gain a better understanding of the current state of our prefecture
With the Non-Profit-Organization "NPO Ganbaro Fukushima" as the center, we have been working to create into a farm for various sorts of vegetation and produce. In a location only 50km away from the no longer operating Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant, we want to have as many people to come here and see Fukushima in it’s current state today, as well as learn how well it has recovered after the earthquake.
We ourselves are actively involved in lessening the effects of radioactivity. Our methods mainly involve absorption suppression and organic decontamination of harmful substances. Our eventual goal is to return Fukushima’s farmlands and environment to the state they were before the earthquake. These methods have already achieved high success rates.
Even up until now, harvest such as rice and vegetables have rarely shown signs of radioactivity. Despite this, we have taken continuous measures to ensure the safety of our produce, and we work towards reputational damage control to regain trust.
At our farm, not only do we want visitors to view and understand the measures we take, but we also want visitors to experience agriculture firsthand. From seed planting to harvesting, we provide many experiences that represent agriculture throughout the four seasons.
Aside from agriculture alone,
we are also involved in several activities.